First Year Milestones: A Monthly Guide to Your Baby’s Growth

Show parents what to expect during baby’s first year.



Following eight babies over the course of a year, this DVD set uses convenient monthly modules and milestones to help you teach new parents what to expect from their baby and how to nurture physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

Content Includes:

Volume 1: Birth to 6 Months
Shows parents how to understand and interact with their newborn through interpreting cues and providing safe, age-appropriate activities.

Volume 2: 7 to 12 Months
Teaches parents how to create safe environments and promote activities that support their baby’s growing independence.

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Closed Captioning

English Only

Release Year


Program Length

25 min. per Volume



Number of Volumes



2 vol. Set: $249.85 • Single Vol.: $149.95


  • Gold Award - Living Skills

    2007 Aurora Awards
  • Silver Award - Health & Wellness

    28th Annual Telly Awards


  • A child’s first year is a time of connecting, learning, and play. First Year Milestones is a perfect way to teach how to promote baby’s deveopment while enjoying every special moment.

    Roni Cohen Liederman, PhD. - Associate Dean, Mailman Segal Institute for Early Childhood Studies, Nova Southeastern University
  • This wonderful video guides parents and others on how they can best impact a child’s growth and development because eveything you say and do with your child counts.

    Sally Goldberg, Ph.D - founder and director of Dr. Sally Parenting, Inc. and author of Constructive Parenting (Allyn Bacon, 2002)

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