Understanding Natural Childbirth Techniques eClass

Complement your standard childbirth class by offering a self-directed online class devoted to natural birth

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The Understanding Natural Childbirth Techniques eClass is designed to build on the information and skills learned in a standard childbirth preparation class. This online natural birth class is intended for those planning a birth with few to no medical interventions. It highlights the philosophy behind natural childbirth and provides a more in-depth practice of comfort measures for labor. Techniques such as positioning, massage, breathing, and alternative therapies, such as acupressure, visualization, and mindfulness, will be reviewed. Parents and their support people will be well-equipped with various tools for labor and how to apply them in each stage. They will watch several inspiring birth stories and come away with a practice checklist!

This eClass allows your organization to provide important information to expecting parents who cannot make it to on-site natural childbirth classes or those who prefer the convenience of self-directed learning. For facilities that cannot sustain a natural childbirth class due to low demand, constrained classroom time, or limited instructors, offering this online class is a convenient option that expands your education program and outreach initiatives. You also have the option to pair the eClass with a short in-person or virtual session.

What’s included?

  • A variety of videos, including advice from a certified nurse midwife, practice-along exercises, real labor footage showing comfort techniques, and birth stories with parent interviews
  • Polls, interactive exercises, activities, and reflection pages
  • Helpful tools and trackers
  • PDF and audio library
  • Class completion certificate
  • Access to view learners’ usage and completion
  • Marketing kit to help you maximize enrollment
  • Multi-language access
  • Accessibility features

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Product Highlights

  • eClass takes 3 to4 hours to complete
  • Hosted by a certified nurse midwife
  • Previews available—call for details
  • Customization options include adding your logo, colors, and information about your services. Ask for details!

Product Notes:

Tip: Offer this eClass paired with our standard childbirth eClass! Click here to learn about Understanding Birth.

Additional information

Closed Captioning


Release Year

Regularly updated



Product Purchase Includes

eClass access, including ability to send eClass invitations to parents. Compatible with computers and mobile devices.

Additional Information

Customization options available. Call for details.

Product Features

Approx: 96 web pages, 18clips, 3-4 hours to complete, 4​​​ PDFs, 6 Parent Polls, 7 Reflections, Languages: Multi-language access: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese.  Learners select their language and can change

Chapters Include:

  • Introduction to Natural Childbirth Techniques
  • Pain in Childbirth
  • Planning for Your Birth
  • Relaxation
  • Mindfulness Practices
  • Coping Techniques
  • Personal Stories of Natural Childbirth

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