USLCA (United States Lactation Consultant Association), founded in 2006, is an organization that supports the advancement of lactation professionals of all types in the United States.  Their aim is to make sure all families have support to meet their breastfeeding goals by advocating for the value of lactation care providers who contribute to the family healthcare team and are active in other community health settings.  Listen to our guests speak about the history, current activities, and their vision for the future of USLCA.  

Michelle Stulberger, President of USLCA, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Master of Healthcare Administration, and IBCLC (2014.) She is the Senior Director of Clinical Support Services for MedStar Visiting Nurse Association in Calverton, Maryland.  During the podcast, she will tell her story of becoming an IBCLC. 

Danielle has served as USLCAs Executive Director since 2014 after leading a continuity of care breastfeeding project at a non-profit in her hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska. Following her Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science and Dietetics, Danielle earned her Master of Public Health. As a focus of her graduate work, Danielle developed a standard of care for telehealth in lactation and fostered an even stronger passion for breastfeeding and the important role of skilled lactation care.  Danielle resides in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and their 2 young daughters. 

Listen and Learn: 

  • How a US-based organization can meet the need of lactation professionals nationally 
  • What resources are offered to members and the public through their organization 
  • How USLCA has assisted their members through COVID-19 
  • What USLCA does to support certification 
  • USLCA’s vision for the future including advocacy, inclusivity, and making lactation support a sustainable career 
  • How you can be involved in USLCA 

Resources & Mentions: 

Visit the USLCA Website

Educational Resources from USLCA

Related Products from InJoy: 

Understanding Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Basics

Practices to Increase Exclusive Breastfeeding: Managing Common Challenges Staff Training eCourse

Practices to Increase Exclusive Breastfeeding: Core Concepts Staff Training eCourse