Curiosity about why one woman labored in a straightforward manner and a woman in a similar situation struggled much more led Gail Tully to ask why. She dug in to understand not only the role of the pelvic bones in labor but also the soft tissues that can either create a good pathway or block baby’s progress through them. Listen to her story and how she developed new techniques and reimagined some older ones to help birthing people create an easier path for their babies to emerge.
Gail Tully, CPM, is the Spinning Babies Lady and an expert in Fetal Positioning. A new paradigm emerged in 2001 with Spinning Babies® putting physiology first in labor progress to replace the high dependence on cesarean surgery. Previously a DONA International approved doula trainer, doula and homebirth midwife, Gail was a founding mother of the Childbirth Collective, one of the largest doula non-profits in the USA. She created the Hennepin County Medical Center’s Doula Project and led trainings for the Somali Doula Program and Turtle Women of St. Paul’s American Indian Family Center.
Gail Tully and her 14 Approved Trainers offer workshops and world speaking engagements.
Listen and Learn:
- How curiosity, coupled with solid understanding of anatomy and physiology created the Spinning Babies program
- The impact of gravity on the 30 muscles in the pelvis and how to work with these structures
- The things birthing people can do to ease tension in pregnancy and create a good path for their baby when birthing time comes
- The various training courses and who they are intended for
- Why so many providers are becoming skilled in these techniques
Resources & Mentions:
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