This expert-reviewed online course helps organizations raise exclusive breastfeeding rates by showing maternity staff how to apply more advanced evidence-based strategies.
Three 30-minute modules cover the most common breastfeeding challenges that can occur between birth and discharge:
- Module 1: Newborn Challenges – Sleepy baby, fussy baby/2nd night issues, jaundice, hypoglycemia, late preterm babies, multiples
- Module 2: Latch-Related Challenges & Nipple Pain – Correcting positioning and latch, oral variations, flat nipples, nipple shields, engorgement, assessing and treating sore nipples
- Module 3: Milk Production Challenges & Supplementation – Addressing concerns, maximizing milk production, identifying risk of delayed or failed milk production, supplemental feeding methods and feeding plans
Includes Facilitator’s Guide with ideas and handouts for in-service group sessions.
Click below for more information about our Staff Development eCourses and to request a demo.