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Wonderful Breastfeeding Infographic

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Shared with attribution.  See more from Milk and Motherhood 

At times when access to scales and weigh-ins is limited, it's vital that we know our babies are getting enough to eat. I tried to put together something that makes this knowledge a little more easily accessible! Of course there are nuances, and of course things such as looking at baby's behaviour can be problematic, but these are clues that help to create the whole picture.

In addition to this, here are some other signs that your baby needs more milk:
? They pee less than 6 times in 24 hours.
?The pee is dark yellow and strong-smelling.
? They poos less than twice a day
? Poos are thick, hard, or not yellow.
? They are consistently very unsettled after feeding (not only in the evenings). This may be caused by other things, but can be seen as one piece of the puzzle.
? Your nipple looks flattened or pinched after feeds, perhaps with blisters or cracks, or maybe discoloured to white or purple.
? Some babies, when trying to get more milk, will pull at the nipple and whimper while latched, and will use their fists to bang your breasts.

If you have worries about your milk supply, get in contact with your lactation consultant. Lactation consultants will ALWAYS ensure your baby gets enough to eat, while maintaining and protecting breastfeeding.

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Jasmine Pollard