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ForumFind a solution to a problem that others may have already solved. Reach out and let other educators respond in the Forum section. Or, read through the ongoing lively discussion on a variety of topics for ideas you can use in your own work.32 Topics · 90 PostsLast post: When will in-person classes resume … · 1 year ago · Jessica Williamx
Research & NewsConcise area of current information useful for busy educators. Let us help you stay up to date as we share timely research and articles that you can use in the Research & News section.97 Topics · 111 PostsLast post: Encourage, Assess, Transition (EAT … · 1 year ago · Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC
ShareablesWelcome to Shareables! This section is archived. Feel free to visit the Blog, Research & News and webinars for the newest from InJoy.16 Topics · 20 PostsLast post: PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! · 2 years ago · Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC
InJoy BlogWondering about how to split up your PowerPoint to cover the right info in the right class or how to set up a new grandparenting class? Find answers to these and other questions educators have on the InJoy Blog.21 Topics · 23 PostsLast post: How to Teach a Breastfeeding Class … · 2 months ago · Jessa VonFeldt