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Have you seen Lamaze's new " Is Epidural My Only Option?" poster?

These Infographics are great. Do you use them in class?  See what Lamaze has produced here


Jessica Sember has reacted to this post.
Jessica Sember

Thank you for sharing!  This is not something I currently use, but really like the concept and information.  The epidural rate for the hospital I work in is over >65%.  I think this graphic is so important to share and inform women about the use of epidurals, timing of epidurals, and other pain management options that maybe they haven't considered.  Informed decision making 🙂 


Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC has reacted to this post.
Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC

I love the info graphics from Lamaze. I use many of them in my classes.

Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC has reacted to this post.
Debbie Young, MSL, LCCE, ICCE, ICBD, CLC